Five Fall Favorites- Instructional Non-Fiction

Hello! Today I get to share with y’all some books in a nice genre– Instructional Non-Fiction. I like this genre since I enjoy various craft endeavors, and I have found some helpful books that I used when I was into these crafts. I have arranged them in chronological order of my hobbies, and I hope you enjoy learning about what I enjoyed doing over the years!

I’d like to invite you to grab a soft blanket from my pile on the swing over there. It’s getting chilly on these October days, and I don’t want you to be shivering while I share some more books with you! I have blankets in all sorts of colors, so feel free to select one in your favorite color. Then curl up on that swing and get ready to learn about some books!


Hooked on Rubber Band Jewelry by Elizabeth M. Kollmar (my review)

I went through a phase where I had fun making rubber band bracelets! And this book was nice because it had some unique designs, such as strawberry or grape motifs!


Tape It & Make It by Richela Fabian Morgan

I also enjoyed making things out of duct tape for a while. Did you know that there are many, many different colors and designs of boring ol’ duct tape?? My cousin introduced me to this craft, and I found several books with cool designs in them. This was one of those books… it includes 101 things to make out of duct tape, from #1: Feather to #101: Reupholstering a Bar Stool. Some people may have issues with some of the things in it, such as Christmas and Easter decorations, an Ace card, superhero cape, meditation mat, etc… but the only thing I would consider immodest is a doll with not enough clothes on.


Modern Prairie Sewing by Abigail A. Long (my review)

I found this to be a fun sewing book! The designs are beautiful and the photos cheery. I first borrowed it from the library several years ago, but upon working on this post, I borrowed again! This time, it introduced me to making bags and purses, which has been a lot of fun.


Lettering With Purpose by Brittany Luiz

I still enjoy playing around with hand lettering every once in a while… though I am not amazing at it! This book has a lot of ideas for different lettering techniques and projects, step-by-step instructions for embellishments, and prompts for when you’ve run out of ideas of phrases to letter! It is not Christian and has some quotes that I don’t agree with, but otherwise it’s an inspiring book.

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DIY Hand Lettering by Melissa Averinos and Asharae Kroll

This is another fun lettering book!! It has 25 inspiring projects.. and personally, I just like looking at all the pretty lettering! The only things I didn’t appreciate are quotes on mugs like “nectar of the gods” (there is only one true God), other quotes I don’t agree with, and an etched wineglass project. The lettering itself is pretty; I just don’t agree with some of the quotes.

Can you believe that this is the last official day of the party?! The good news is… I’ll be back tomorrow with my top 5 favorite books of 2020 (so far)! And the winner of the giveaway (see below) will also be announced tomorrow at Read Another Page, so be sure to check back then!

Curious about that giveaway? Check it out by clicking here!

As usual, head over to the Literary Lodge to find some more great recommendations and enter the giveaway!

14 thoughts on “Five Fall Favorites- Instructional Non-Fiction

  1. Rebekah A. Morris says:

    Those first two books look like things I would have been interested in doing had they been around when I was young. 😉 I may have to check out the hand lettering books since I would enjoy doing that. Thanks for the great list!

  2. Ruthann Joy says:

    The lettering books look really good… I really want to learn to do that! But the sewing book… I definitely need to get that!!!

  3. Courtenay says:

    I appreciated the way you gave pros and cons on the lettering books, Leona. And I think I’d better keep both those titles in mind, because I have a family member who’s into lettering!

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